Training Programs

Imparting the “Know-How”, ensure the accumulation of knowledge and skills in the company. Also, it is of importance that employee’s performance meets required standards. Job market does not necessarily provide the caliber that 100% meets job requirements, hence it is the trained trainer job to help new employees to fit-in…
Change is the only factor that is constant in today’s world. Successful corporations are proactive not reactive. They create the future change is not one off assignment – it is a permanent factor of strategic management. How to introduce change, deal with resistance and move forward through the different phases…
Scheduling workforce is balancing act…. Too many labor hours, profitability suffers and too less labor hours affect customer experience. In this program participants, will understand the importance of analyzing and streamline their operation, followed by establishing trend line and use of data to prepare and optimize scheduling that aligning human…
Is it “Time Management” or “Self-Management”. This program address the importance of self-organization to become more effective and achieve your short & long terms goals. It examines and give insight by analyzing and prioritize your activities. Also, it helps to recognize and identify your time stealers. Time wasted cannot be…
Managing performance is a cycle that allows superior and subordinate to work together in setting goals, agreeing on performance standard and expectations. On-going coaching and constant feedback and appraising the performance at the end of the cycle. With this approach, there are no surprises to the outcome as it’s managed…
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